Workshop Arqueologia Fluvial
"Um Mergulho na História" é um projeto da Direção Geral do Património Cultural, financiado pelo Orçamento Participativo de Portugal. O projeto tem como objetivo a caracterização do património cultural náutico e subaquático do Alentejo Litoral e criar conteúdos em formato digital, para efeitos de comunicação pública da investigação. O projeto visa igualmente a promoção do envolvimento das populações locais na temática da arqueologia náutica e subaquática enquanto valor cultural.
Dia 8 de abril
10h - Abertura solene do projeto "Um Mergulho na História" com a presença da Direção Geral do Património Cultural e com Senhor Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Alcácer do Sal, Vítor Proença
11h - "A Arqueologia Fluvial em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades" por Alexandre Monteiro (UMH)
11h30 - Coffee break e networking
11h45 - "Archaeology on Inlets and rías: experiences" por Miguel San Claudio (Archeonauta, Espanha)
13h00 - Pausa para almoço (livre)
15h00 - "Underwater archaeological research in riverine environment: the case of ANAXUM Project (Italy)" por Massimo Capulli (Universitá di Udine, Itália)
15h50- "Current trends in robotics for underwater archeology" por João Tasso (Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática, Universidade do Porto)
16h30 - "Técnicas de mergulho em rio: correntes, falta de visibilidade, detritos flutuantes e leito marinho" por João Rainho (UMH)
17h00 - Coffee break e networking
17h15 - Formação em Fotogrametria por Miguel Martins (UMH)
18h15 - Encerramento do dia
Dia 9 de abril
9h30 - "Mapping Riverine Archaeology with Combined Multibeam-LiDAR" por Peter Campbell (Cranfield University, Inglaterra)
10h20 - "Underwater archaeological survey and excavations in a fluvial context: examples of investigations conducted in French rivers" por Annie Dumont (Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines, França)
11h10 - 11h25 - Coffee break e networking
11h25 - "Sado's Roman Harbour Ensemble: economic dynamics within a fluvial-maritime interface" por Patrícia Magalhães e Sónia Bombico (Projeto Sado Romano e UMH)
12h05 - "Riverine Archaeology - Reflections from a British Perspective" por Nigel Nayling (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, País de Gales)
12h55- Pausa para almoço (livre)
14h30 - "Derrocada de Borba" por Hugo Pereira (Força Especial de Proteção Civil)
14h50 - "Pumping veins through the landscape: Rivers and river landscapes investigated through underwater and maritime archaeology" por Martijn Manders (Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, Holanda)
15h40 - "Águas negras; um mergulho na 5ª dimensão" por Ivo Tavares e Nuno Monteiro (Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Portimão)
16h10 - Coffee break e networking
16h20 - "A future for the past in Portugal" por Filipe Vieira de Castro (Universidade de Coimbra)
17h - Encerramento do workshop
Dia 10 de abril
10h - Passeio no rio Sado na embarcação "Galeão do Sado", participação sujeita ao número de lugares disponíveis.
*Os horários dispostos e a ordem das palestras estão sujeitas a alterações.
Modalidades de participação:
- Presencialmente no Auditório Municipal de Alcácer do Sal - Rua Dr. João Carlos Lázaro Faria (a participação presencial está limitada ao número de lugares do auditório)
- Via streaming (com recurso a um computador ou dispositivo móvel - virtualmente sem limite)
Serão entregues diplomas de participação a todos os que assistirem presencialmente ao workshop.
A captação de imagem para possível partilha nas redes sociais e meios de comunicação do projeto (newsletter e eventos) será realizada no decorrer do evento.
Orador: Miguel San Claudio
Título: Archaeology on Inlets and rías: experiences
Resumo: For years we have worked in the environment of the Galician estuaries. These sites range from rivers to almost oceanic conditions. Due to strong currents, or low visibility situations, we developed different strategies and equipment to be able to prospect, excavate and document different types of sites.
Afiliação e contacto:
Orador: Alexandre Monteiro
Título: A Arqueologia Fluvial em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades
Resumo: Para além de alguns naufrágios escavados em contexto estuarino e da recuperação das pirogas de Geraz do Lima, a arqueologia fluvial em Portugal é uma disciplina praticamente inexistente. No entanto, o potencial arqueológico que os rios portugueses certamente detêm é incalculável. Partindo do caso paradigmático do rio Sado, iremos elencar os desafios metodológicos que se nos colocam e apontar soluções técnicas capazes de os solucionar para uma intervenção arqueológica efectiva em contexto fluvial português.
Afiliação e contacto: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Orador: Alexandra Figueiredo
Título: Development of survey works and archaeological study in areas of fluvial interface or Lagoa: the case of the study of the Óbidos lagoon, municipality of Caldas da Rainha
Resumo: This paper is part of the project "Archaeological Chart of Caldas da Rainha", presenting the results recorded in Lagoa de Óbidos, municipality of Caldas da Rainha.
The surveys took place from 2017 to 2021, the archaeological remains recognized until 2017, registered in the Endovélico database, in the DGPC, were reduced to a few elements recovered essentially in dredging or monitoring works, with the existing data being very scarce. In fact, all the positions observed were already in the municipality of Óbidos.
The municipality of Caldas da Rainha, due to its historical relevance, lacked a closer look at the archaeological level. The lagoon, by itself, with part of one of its banks integrated in this county, has over time, presented an exceptional resource in the settlement of people in this region, either due to the impact on the economic life of these groups, or in the diversified extraction of fishing products. However, its physical instability, resulting from natural and anthropic factors, forced populations to adapte it over time, making the current urban morphology and the locations of archaeological sites a reflection of its dynamics.
In this paper we will focus on the study methodology and the observed results, both in terms of interpretation and traces.
Afiliação e contacto: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar.
Orador: João Tasso
Título: Current trends in robotics for underwater archeology
Resumo: Robotic systems are revolutionizing underwater operations. But this is just the beginning. This talk discusses current trends in robotics for underwater archeology. This is done with reference to vehicles, sensors, communication, and command and control interfaces. A few field deployments will also be discussed in this context.
Afiliação e contacto: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
Orador: Martijn Manders
Título: Pumping veins through the landscape: Rivers and river landscapes investigated through underwater and maritime archaeology
Resumo: If we look at the history of humans in Europe then we see that rivers and river valleys played an essential part of life since the early prehistory. This is certainly true for the Netherlands. The meandering rivers have provided us transport, food and safety. They also caused threats we had to live with or fight against. In this presentation I will present some cases of living with and fighting against the river. How humans have interacted and changed the river landscape. How rivers have changed the landscape people lived in. Further, I will present the changing role in society since the 1950's and the mistakes that were made in altering the landscape too much. This - in my view - also resulted in the modest role maritime and underwater archaeology plays in heritage management. But this is rapidly changing. With more interest in rivers, how do we investigate their landscapes? Through what theoretical framework can we look at them? Through the examples used in this presentation we can investigate and discuss the possibilities available for use in Portuguese cases.
Afialiação e contacto: Universiteit Leiden.
Orador: Nuno Monteiro (Bombeiro Mergulhador Coordenador) e Ivo Tavares (Bombeiro Mergulhador especialista)
Título: Águas negras; um mergulho na 5ª dimensão
Resumo: Técnicas de resgate, busca e recuperação e salvamento em ambiente aquático e subaquático em ambientes de visibilidade nula ou muito reduzida, equipamento, procedimentos e metodologia.
Afiliação e contacto: Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Portimão, Brigada de Salvamento Aquática e de Mergulho.
Orador: Massimo Capulli
Título: Underwater archaeological research in riverine environment: the case of ANAXUM Project (Italy)
Resumo: The Stella River (Udine) was in antiquity one of the most important watercourses of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, its relevance residing in that it connected the populations living in the foothills of the Carnic Alps to the ones living near the Adriatic Sea coast. This function was facilitated by the fact that the Stella is a resurgence river, characterized by a constant water flow, thus ensuring sufficient flow rate to be sailed along all year round. The Anaxum Project (named after the Roman appellation for the river), a partnership between the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine and the local Archaeological Superintendence, aims to reconstruct the history of the Stella River basin focusing on human-landscape relationships through time. At the same time, the river is also used as a laboratory for the training of future underwater archaeologists.
The archaeological excavations conducted in the stretch of river between the municipalities of Palazzolo dello Stella and Precenicco, between 2011 and 2022, concerned the remains of the bridge of the via Annia (II BC) and a shipwreck area (I-II AD), which include a sewn barge and an adjoining large surface of archaeological material, as well as the remains of a medieval wreck (XI-XIII AD).
The presentation will describe the results of the ten seasons of underwater archaeological research in the Stella river and in a wider environment that is characterized as true waterscape.
Afiliação e contacto: Università degli Studi di Udine.
Oradoras: Patrícia Magalhães e Sónia Bombico
Título: Sado's Roman Harbour Ensemble: economic dynamics within a fluvial-maritime interface
Resumo: The Lower Sado River Valley Roman Harbour Ensemble is composed by the cities of Salacia and Caetobriga, described in Antonino's Itinerary. The city of Salacia, now Alcácer do Sal, was the capital of the civitas and was the main port west of Cadiz. In turn, Caetobriga was a secondary urban agglomeration whose importance was centred on the control of the production of fish products that would constitute the genesis of the Roman occupation within this territory.
It was precisely this inclination for the fishing industry that motivated the establishment of a numerous intricate fish salting factories in Tróia, on the left bank of the Sado River, constituting the largest known Roman fish-salting production centre. Upstream and especially on the right bank, near the clay deposits, potteries grew to respond to the growing need for amphorae to package the fish sauces and salted fish, destined for large scale commerce for the whole Empire.
This region would benefit from the abundance of fish from the Atlantic and from the salt richness of the salt pans protected by the estuary, as well as from the navigation conditions that provided excellent conditions for the anchorage and shelter of boats.
The weight of this fish industry in this fluvial-maritime interface determines by itself the control of maritime and terrestrial routes, that the study of the imports in archaeological contexts doesn't deny, giving the enormous relevance to the harbour activity of this Atlantic region.
SB - Investigadora do Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades (CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora).
Orador: Peter Campbell
Título: Mapping Riverine Archaeology with Combined Multibeam-LiDAR
Resumo: Rivers are dynamic environments, which present a challenge for archaeology due to low visibility, strong currents, and mobility of the riverbed over time. Traditional methodologies may struggle due to these conditions, but the digital turn in archaeology has offered new solutions. A further result of these dynamic environments is the submergence of terrestrial deposits, requiring joint interpretation of terrestrial and submerged deposits. This paper reviews the use of a combined multibeam and LiDAR system, which maps submerged and emerged archaeological sites. These data show the entirety of the riverine landscape without the opaque water, revealing connections between archaeological remains that may not be evidence if viewing the terrestrial or underwater sites in isolation.
Afiliação e contacto: Cranfield University, Inglaterra.
Orador: Nigel Nayling
Titulo: Riverine Archaeology - Reflections from a British Perspective
Resumo: Riverine archaeology has rarely been seen as a specific theme or subdiscipline within British archaeology, more usually being addressed through research or rescue archaeology focused on maritime, wetland or urban perspectives. This review considers the range of approaches through which riverine archaeology has been addressed in a British context which could prove useful on a wider scale.
Afiliação e contacto: University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
Orador: João Rainho
Título: Técnicas de mergulho em rio: correntes, falta de visibilidade, detritos flutuantes e leito marinho.
Oradora: Annie Dumont
Título: Underwater archaeological survey and excavations in a fluvial context: examples of investigations conducted in French rivers
Resumo: In this communication, the methods used for prospecting in different French rivers (Charente, Doubs, Loire) will be discussed as well as the main results.
By way of introduction, a historical reminder will be presented because this kind of research follows on from that carried out on the Saône River by Louis Bonnamour, who can be considered as the initiator of this type of research. He was the first to highlight the richness of the river heritage, by systematically inventorying it in a portion of the river.
The methods implemented are part of a multidisciplinary research:archive research, analysis of aerial and satellite photographs, bathymetric survey, underwater prospecting, study of the remains, in particularly the remains of wooden structures (radiocarbon analysis, dendrochronology). The banks are also studied, in order to understand the river's evolution and the way it has been used effectively by riverside residents geophysical and pedestrian surveys).
The remains discovered are numerous and varied: Bronze Age settlements, Roman bridges, and structures from the medieval and modern periods (fisheries, boat-mills, shipwrecks, harbour areas, bridges, Flood-protection dykes).
This heritage, which is still partly unknown and difficult to access, is threatened with destruction while the inventory is far from being completed. This is why it is important to exchange data and attempts by different archaeologists who are not afraid to dive into troubled waters.
Afiliação e contacto: Ministère de la Culture, DRASSM.